Odds and Ends
Nothing major going on today; I just really wanted to get a post up to continue my excellent January updating streak.
Our financial situation continues to be perilous. In fact, after I move money over to make our house payment tomorrow, we will have about $50 in our savings account. Can we all say, "Holy shit"? This is taking the whole living paycheck to paycheck thing to a whole new level. I may HAVE to work from home, whatever my feelings on that subject. There is good news, though. First, G gets paid Thursday, so the $50 situation is temporary. (Not that it will be a whole lot better after we pay all the bills, but it should be marginally so). Second, today G has a meeting with his boss's boss about getting a raise -- hopefully a signifcant one. If it doesn't pan out, he is willing to look elsewhere. G is, luckily, in a field where there are far more open positions than qualified people to fill them in this area. Anyway, I've been praying. Hard.
I wish someone would hire me to do research from home. I am an excellent researcher, if I do say so myself. More than once I was responsible for finding just that perfect, obscure little case that helped my old firm win its arguments. I even enjoyed it, to a point. Right now, though, I'm just not sure how to find a position like that. Or if such positions even exist.
In reading this, I've realized that I never even needed to go to law school. I should've just been a paralegal and called it a day. Would've saved me about a $100,000 if that had occurred to me 6 years ago.
Argh. Depressing.
Our financial situation continues to be perilous. In fact, after I move money over to make our house payment tomorrow, we will have about $50 in our savings account. Can we all say, "Holy shit"? This is taking the whole living paycheck to paycheck thing to a whole new level. I may HAVE to work from home, whatever my feelings on that subject. There is good news, though. First, G gets paid Thursday, so the $50 situation is temporary. (Not that it will be a whole lot better after we pay all the bills, but it should be marginally so). Second, today G has a meeting with his boss's boss about getting a raise -- hopefully a signifcant one. If it doesn't pan out, he is willing to look elsewhere. G is, luckily, in a field where there are far more open positions than qualified people to fill them in this area. Anyway, I've been praying. Hard.
I wish someone would hire me to do research from home. I am an excellent researcher, if I do say so myself. More than once I was responsible for finding just that perfect, obscure little case that helped my old firm win its arguments. I even enjoyed it, to a point. Right now, though, I'm just not sure how to find a position like that. Or if such positions even exist.
In reading this, I've realized that I never even needed to go to law school. I should've just been a paralegal and called it a day. Would've saved me about a $100,000 if that had occurred to me 6 years ago.
Argh. Depressing.