Yeah, I'm a Slacker. A Big, Huge Slacker
Anyway, all's well around here. The babies have just slept through the night for the second time -- not second straight time, but second time, nonetheless! -- so I am feeling better rested than I have for months. Also, I've stumbled on a new and improved method for handling their middle of the night feeding when they still need it (which is usually). Ever since the babies were born, I've been hesitant to nurse them. It just didn't feel right -- there was no way to see exactly how much they were eating, it was very messy, and I just couldn't figure out how on earth to do the two of them simultaneously the way I can with the side-by-side Boppy technique using bottles with expressed milk. But finally, more than four months into this whole mommy thing, I've realized that none of those reasons justify not nursing ONE of them for that middle of the night feeding. So here's what we've been doing. Whenever one of them starts crying at, say, 3:00 a.m., G goes in and gets him/her and brings him/her to me in bed. I whip out the boob, and that baby goes to work. The crying is halted immediately. G then goes downstairs to warm a bottle for the remaining, sleeping baby, who he then awakens to feed when the bottle is warm. The whole process takes maybe 25 minutes, and then everybody's back off to dreamland. Even better, we've eliminated the whole issue of the shrieking, inconsolable baby while waiting for the bottle(s) to warm. And finally, in this whole process, I never have to get out of bed! It is 100 million times better than the old technique, wherein we would be awakened by a screaming, hungry baby and have to listen to said screaming during the entire bottle preparation/warming process to then feed both kids by bottle -- after which time I would have to sit up alone in the dark pumping for the next feeding. You'd think I might've figured this out earlier but alas, I am not the sharpest tack. I am especially not the sharpest tack following four and a half months of grossly interrupted, minimal sleep.
In other news, the twins have their first playdate next week. I'm taking them over to visit the little girl I used to babysit (she'll be two next month) and her new baby sister, who was born at the end of July. I should add that the new baby sister weighs precisely 7 ounces less than E, who is 4+ months old. I AM feeding the kid, I promise! Anyway, the girls' mom is staying home with them this year, but she'll go back to teaching next fall. At that point, she said, I'd be more than welcome to have my old job back (bringing P & E in tow, of course). It's an interesting idea. I'd be dealing with four kids between the ages of 1 and 3, but then again, they paid very well. We'll see if I'm up for it. Going back to practicing law might be easier!
One last thing: how much time is *too* much for a baby to spend in a swing? Honestly, sometimes (like yesterday) it is the only place where these two are happy.