P & E's first birthday is coming up. That blows my mind. To underscore the fact that they are big kids now, they have officially outgrown their infant seats and moved on to their big kid side-by-side stroller. Don't get me wrong; they're still pretty small for being eleven months old. E tips the scale at 17 pouds, while P weighs in at 19.5 (the poor girl is already destined to have her mom's "svelte" thighs, it seems). Still. That makes E nearly six times his birth weight, and P nearly five times hers. It's amazing. And difficult, now, to remember just how small they really were. When they were born, the only way to convey to people who lived too far away from the hospital to come visit how truly tiny they were was to compare them to ourselves. (i.e., when Peyton grabs my finger, her entire hand only covers the first joint on my index finger). We're thankful now for having done that, because now it's the only way we can remember it ourselves.
Anyway, about the first birthday. We're not really sure what our obligation is here, partywise. We assumed, since they won't remember a thing about it, that it was probably meant to be just an immediate family thing. But then everyone started asking us about the party, and saying things like, "They'll only have one first birthday, so you have to do it up right!" Well, shit. What does that mean? Am I supposed to invite the neighborhood? Should there be food and drinks? Is plain old cake and ice cream not enough? I better figure this stuff out soon. I've got less than a month.
Less than a month. Unbelievable.
Anyway, about the first birthday. We're not really sure what our obligation is here, partywise. We assumed, since they won't remember a thing about it, that it was probably meant to be just an immediate family thing. But then everyone started asking us about the party, and saying things like, "They'll only have one first birthday, so you have to do it up right!" Well, shit. What does that mean? Am I supposed to invite the neighborhood? Should there be food and drinks? Is plain old cake and ice cream not enough? I better figure this stuff out soon. I've got less than a month.
Less than a month. Unbelievable.